Love is real! It exists! And it can be whatever love means to you! Soft, floofyness? Yes indeed! Rom-coms? Totally! Horror flicks? Sure, why not. Horrific elder gods from the...
Look at this classic front loader! Yes, THIS one, not the one outside your window causing a ruckus during your video chat. The Squishable GO! Front Loader screams nostalgic happy memories...
Did you hear that siren? That must be coming from the Squishable GO! Firetruck! I can tell because it's the only fire truck specifically designed to handle cats that are...
Sanitation workers are some of the hardest workers out in the world today! Their efforts largely go unsung, but they deserve to be appreciated, if only in our own little...
Do you know how to drive a tractor? I don't! I thought it was like driving a normal car. I was totally wrong. Sorry dad! Anyways, the Squishable GO! Tractor...
Wee woo! Wee woo! What an alarming, yet melodic tune, and so classic. What's that you say, Squishable GO! Ambulance? It's not classic? You're trying an entirely new cutting-edge siren...
It's not a bird, it's DEFINITELY a plane!! With this aerial marvel at your disposal, the possibilities for play are endless! Explore the tundra's of Antarctica, the pyramids of Egypt,...
Trains feel like freedom and smell like pizza! The Squishable GO! Train actually has neither of those qualities, but it does feel super soft. And I suppose you could technically...
Get ready to traverse the seven seas, sail the ocean blue...insert other sea-faring quotes here! Enjoy all the luxuries of the SS Squishable! Dine in the grand plush ballroom, or...
SPACE! The final... you know how it goes, and we're not trying to get sued! Anywho! Travel to the farthest reaches of the Milky Way galaxy and galaxies far beyond that!...
This Happy Birthday cake is ready to fulfill the wishes of your inner child! Or you know, an actual child. It's just dripping with birthday cheer! It's also dripping frosting...
Happy Birthday! Here's an edible symbol of your own mortality! Except it's not actually edible, because it's a plush. That's probably also symbolic of something. Hmm. Let's try it again. You're a...
This Comfort Food Unicorn Latte is an absolutely magical experience! What's in it? Is it dragonfruit, taro, matcha, maple syrup, and some sort of milk. No? It's just polyester, love,...
Mini Comfort Food Pizza Slice by Squishable... 8 squishy inches of cute little face on cheese. Cuddling this little be-faced pizza is a lot easier than munching it. All new...
Dear Pizza, When I celebrated my sixth birthday, you were there. Mostly smeared on my shirt, but you were there. When I was 19 and suffered through my first breakup,...