See this sunflower??? We grew it just for you!!! Well actually, they decided to grow and we just kinda let 'em do their thing. By which I mean, they're the boss of us and we jump to their bidding. Must...plant...sunflowers. Must...take over...ecosystem. All...hail...the...sunflower...overlord...
13.5(w) x 6.5(d) x 20(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 0 and up!
What a rebellious fruit! These cherries have gone on sweet adventures all over the world. They won't even talk about how much trouble they've caused because they're too cool for...
Sparty the Spartan might look "Gruff" and tough with his permanent grimace...and he is! Nevertheless he's a super popular guy - people are practically throwing money at his feet! Or...
Would you like to hug a cactus?Not without a lot of practice!All those sharp and pointed pricklies,Wouldn't fail to stab and stick me! How I'd love a Cactus gentle,Cuddly, soft,...
Cheers! Cheers to this sweet thing called life! We're living it! Here in this moment we're alive! And that's better than the alternative! Waiting for some snarky commentary? Well too bad,...
Grapes are super versatile! You can eat 'em! You can make them into jams and jellies! They make salads awesome! They can be made into wine (totally non-alcoholic wine that...